Egg City!
Can you make an egg stand on the other length-wise? No!! But this Man could!

Not a single egg! But he had made a complete city out of it. Unbelievable? Believe it..!

Dreadfull Sounds that can Paralyse or even Kill you!!!

Infrasonic souds that is the sounds below the audible frequency range of human. Waves of infrasound are invisible, but slam into living tissue and physical structures with great force. The sensation vibrates internal organs and buildings, flattening objects as the sonic wave strikes. At certain pitches, it can explode matter.
The most profound effects at infrasonic occur at 7 Hz "corresponds with the median alpha-rhythm frequencies of the brain. This is the resonant frequency of the body's organs and hence organ rupture and death can occur at high-intensity exposures. Natural explosions from volcanoes produce infrasonic waves. When Krakatoa exploded, lifting an entire island 100 miles into

the air, windows were shattered 1,000 miles away from ground zero.

The shock waves, affecting both earth and atmosphere, continued for hours. Explosives, such as atomic weapons, produce infrasound. Zone one is ground zero and its destruction. Zone 2 is a powerful, speeding, sonic wave of reduced air pressure. This concussion blast travels at great distances away from ground zero and few survive its destructive path. Note: Some authorities says that they are being used in modern weapons.
Hindus walking on fire ceremony
According to Hinduism: God Kataragama moves in strange ways. Out of pity for human suffering, often hearing “the sad music of humanity.” He appears as the youthful God of compassion. He takes the form of god of war when wicked Titans have to be destroyed; he takes the form of the holy child Muruka omnipresent at the service of his devotees.

A day prior to the termination of the festival of God Kataragama fire walking ceremony takes place. Some devotees are inspired by the deity for an exhibition of divine power to walk on the glowing embers of fire. The inspiration comes to them as a yearning from within to join the band of fire-walkers. They bathe in the sacred waters of Menik Ganga (River of Gems) at dawn and as they step into the forty feet of fire track, without getting their feet burnt, to the amazement of the spectators.
Tree Goddess(Unbelievale Art work)
Seems Real?

Its a great work of Art!!! Isn't it???
World's Largest Tounge
World's Largest (Bones) Human Skeleton 
Ok. That might be a slight exaggeration. I'm sure there are some dinosaur skeletons that are larger. But you have to admit... this is pretty darn big. Measuring over 55 feet long, this skeleton (made out of polystyrene and resin) was created by Algerian-born French artist Adel Abdessemed. It was last displayed at the St. Johannes Evangelist church in Berlin, Germany. Who knows where it will end up next?
A Very BIG Chair (world's largest chair)
An apt advertisement for Miller's Office Furniture in downtown Anniston, Alabama, this 33-foot chair was built in the 1980s and is said to trump numerous big chairs scattered across the planet.
This is one chair in which you don't want to lean too far back -- it might flatten a brick building!
Unbelievable Real Big Lock & key

Haji Javed Iqbal Khokhar from Gujranwala (Pakistan) 2003 made this big Lock n key himself. height: 3.505 m [11 1/2 ft], width: 1.37 m [14 1/2 ft], depth: 63.5 cm [25 in] weight: 1883 kg plus key weight of 120 kg
Unbelievable Long Nails(Longest fingernails)
Admit it, you’re obsessed with knowing who has the longest fingernails in the world. We are too! To our best knowledge, we have found the current world recorder holder for the longest fingernails to be Lee Redmond (USA). Ms. Redmond, who hasn’t cut her nails since 1979, has grown and carefully manicured them to reach a total length of 7 m 51.3 cm (24 ft 7.8 in). Measurements of each fingernail are below:
Right hand
76.4 cm
30.1 in
Index finger
72.3 cm
28.5 in
Middle finger
74.1 cm
29.2 in
Ring finger
73.6 cm
29 in
Little finger
71.6 cm
28.2 in
Left Hand
80 cm
31.5 in
Index finger
76.4 cm
30.1 in
Middle finger
76.7 cm
30.2 in
Ring finger
76.2 cm
30 in
Little finger
73.6 cm
29 inThe record holder for the longest fingernails before Lee Redmond was Shridhar Chillal. Cutting his nails in 2000, he had held the record for 20 years!A very Old 24 Cents Jenny Stamp sells for $825,000

The rare 1918 24-cent stamp, depicting an upside-down Curtis JN-4 biplane known as "Jenny," was sold privately this week to a Wall Street executive who did not want to be identified.
Human face-like Tree

This is a picture of a tree whose branches are naturally arranged in such a way that it looks like a human face!
Animal's Love!

what a lovely scene ................
Man Passing Finger through Nostril out of his Eye!!
When i got this picture i myself was first not believing that it is real but then i checked it on several fake photo detecting softwares. And to my Surprise it is 100% real.

One of the most weird photos i have ever got.
Bite your nose!
Can you bite your nose with your own teeth? NO, ofcourse not!
But this man can.
HAIRIEST Man (Most Hairs on Face)
Victor "Larry" Ramos Gomez(shown in picture) and his brother Gabriel "Danny"(both Mexico) suffer from a rare condition characterized by excessive facial and bodily hair. They are two of a family of 19 that spans five generations, and all suffer from congentital generalized hypertrichosis.
The women are covered with a light to medium coat of hair, while the men of the family have thick hair on approximately 98% of the body except for the hands and feet.
Some unbelievable facts about ANIMALS
- *a goldfish has a memory span of about 3 seconds.* Smart animal, huh!!
- *A star fish has no heart* nice guy!!!
- *Dolphins sleep with one eye open*
- *Alligators can't move backwards*
- *Penguins can jump 6 feet into the air*
- *The population of chickens is about equal to the population of humans*
- *A jellyfish is made up of 95% water*
- *You are more likely to get stung by a bee on a windy day than any other weather*
- *There are more plastic flamingoes in America than real ones*
- *The spotted skunk does a handstand before he sprays you*
- *Some ribbon worms will eat themselves if they can't find any food*
- *Slugs have 4 noses*
- *Owls are one of the only birds that can see the colour blue*
- *Starfish is one of the few animals who can turn their stomach inside out*
- *The elephant is one of the few animals that can't jump*
- *Bats always turn left when exiting a cave*
- *The praying mantis is the only insect that can turn it's head*
- *In Tokyo, they sell toupees for dogs*
- *On average, people fear spiders more than they do death*
- *A snail can sleep for three years*
- *A giraffe can clean it's ears with it's 21" tongue*
liked it! comment please.
Duck with FOUR LEGS
World's most TILTED building
A German church steeple has knocked the leaning tower of Pisa from the Guinness Book of Records as the world's most tilted building. The tower in the village of Suurhusen applied in June for the title and has now officially beaten the famous landmark in Pisa
Guinness Book of Records confirmed the award after officials measured it leaning at a 5.19degree angle compared to only 3.97 degree angle at which the tower of Pisa leans.
World's most Expensive Needle
Who would have ever thought that a single needle would fetch a jaw breaking price of up to $300,000. Willard Wigan is one of the few in the world that made it happen.