26 September, 2008

1,000,000,000 Years Ago
The planet has cooled and volcanic eruptions are less common. Water is now allowed to settle, and forms oceans. Green algae forms in the water, which photosynthesises and produces oxygen which is put into the air. The oxygen forms a layer of ozone which protects the Earth from poisonous ultraviolet rays from the Sun. Land drifts apart to begin forming continents.
400,000,000 Years Ago
Life begins developing in the form of trees and plants. These produce more oxygen. Earth has a cooler temperature, with changeable weather. This weather (rain, snow, wind, frost) causes the tops of the ancient volcanoes to wear away, creating lower ground. Dinosaurs eventually develop, ruling the planet. Flowers are later formed, along with insects.
65,000,000 Years Ago
Life was wiped off the face of the planet! It is believed that a huge meteorite hit the Earth's surface, causing clouds of dust which suffocated the dinosaurs and other creatures on the planet. Conditions on the planet were suffocating as poisonous chemicals were unable to leave the planet's atmosphere, and life-giving energy from the Sun could not enter. After settling again, the Earth was suitable for life, an the ancestors of human beings developed.
Earth is still developing. Volcanoes still erupt, the earth still shakes, weather still forms landscapes. Creatures evolve. Some die out, some develop. The creatures that die out do so because they are not suitable for the planet's current conditions. Creatures that survive and flourish do so because they are more adapted to the new conditions. Nobody knows what the future holds. The air is becoming more polluted, and the temperature on the planet is gradually increasing. Earth's protective ozone is wearing away. Earth remains a target for meteors, comets and asteroids travelling through space. There is always a chance that one may hit the planet eventually and destroy life as we know it. Perhaps, the planet will be reborn again as the dust settles.
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